
Exercise Motivation

It's January.  The time of year (we and) our patients commit to trying to exercise more.  It is also the time of year we hear the most excuses on why patients can't meet their exercise goals.  Trying to start or maintain an exercise program can be frustrating.  Life and motivation sometimes get in the way of our best intentions.  Because exercise is so important to both our physical and mental health, it is crucial to find ways to keep at it.  Here are some of our best suggestions for staying motivated to be active.

Tell (or blog) to others.  Sharing your exercise goals with people who will support your efforts will make sticking with your plan easier.

Make it convenient. Remove as many obstacles to exercise as possible.  If your gym is close to your office, work out at lunch or on your way home.  If you prefer exercising with a friend, schedule time after dinner or before work to meet.  Lay out or pack your workout clothes the night before, so everything is ready to go in the morning.

Get support.  Consider hiring a personal trainer or buddy up with a close friend to keep you on track and to make you feel accountable to someone else.

Plan it.  Sit down with your calendar and schedule when you'll exercise.  With a busy schedule and no plan, finding time to exercise will become too difficult.

Don't compare yourself.  Your physical activity goals are unique to you.  Don't compare yourself to the super skinny or super-beefed up folks at the gym or in pictures online.

Break it up.  No time to exercise?  No excuse.  Break your activity up into 10 minute intervals.  Most of us can find 10 minutes to walk stairs at our office, do jumping jacks or do part of an exercise DVD at home. Three short 10 minute workout sessions in a day are just as effective as one 30 minute session.  Really.

Be a role model.  Want your kids or spouse to be active?  Model good behavior and show them that exercise is a priority for you.

Reward yourself.  When you reach a goal, treat yourself to a non-food reward.  A massage, new jeans, a manicure or a trip to the movies are great motivators.


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Rulli Chiropractic Clinic


9:00am - 1:00pm

2:00pm - 5:00pm


9:00am - 1:00pm

2:00pm - 5:00pm


9:00am - 1:00pm

2:00pm - 5:00pm


9:00am - 1:00pm

2:00pm - 5:00pm


7:00am - 12:00pm






